Wells High School Spotlights Career Exploration

Post date: May 02, 2014 1:26:57 PM

Wells High School held its third annual Career Day on April 16th. Over 40 guest speakers accepted the school’s invitation to speak with students over a two hour period about what they do for work and the education and experience that helped them arrive at and perform in their chosen occupations.

Four hundred 9th through 12th grade students were able to sign up in advance for the various career sessions offered to insure that they could hear the speakers that most interested them.

"The variety of speakers is key to the success of the event," said Jackie Quinton, head of the Career Day Committee. “Our guest speakers represent careers in engineering, professions in IT, real estate, insurance, banking, woodworking, hair dressers, photography - to name a few. We couldn't do this without the willingness of all these individuals to give of their time and talents to enlighten our students."

Caption: Game Warden Tim Spahr speaking with student Brandon Cox at Wells High School on Career Day April 16, 2014

Caption: Athletic Director at Bowdoin College Tim Ryan speaking at WHS on Career Day April 16, 2014.