Guest readers visit schools in the Wells-Ogunquit CSD

In the Wells-Ogunquit CSD, February 29th was scheduled as a day with a focus on reading.  At Wells Elementary School the annual Celebration of Reading Day featured dozens of guest readers from the community who each had designated times to visit and read to classrooms.  This event is timed each year to coincide closely with Theodor Geisel’s (Dr. Seuss) birthday and the National Read Across America Day on March 2nd.  

On the same day at Wells Junior High School a similar, yet smaller reading event with the Rotary Club of Wells happened for fifth grade students.  In the late morning, six Rotary Club members and six students from the Interact Club of Wells High School paired off to read to the fifth-grade classrooms.  Note that Interact clubs are “junior” versions of Rotary clubs. 

The Rotarians brought dozens of new copies of five titles to read and donate to the classrooms visited.  Their organization has read and donated new junior high reading-level books for WJHS Reading Day for over a decade.  

“Spreading the love of reading is a magical gift that can change lives,” commented WJHS Principal Josh Gould. “We are very thankful that Wells Rotary and the Wells High School Interact shared their love of reading with our 5th graders!” 

Before leaving the school, Rotarians Danielle and Scott Defelice indicated that they were impressed with the questions the students asked following their readings.  They found them keenly interested in the topics covered in the books read aloud including one about the life of Hollywood star and brilliant technology inventor Heady Lamar, plus other books that dealt with the topics of autism and bullying. 

“As Rotarians it’s really nice to partner with the Interact Club, the future of Rotary, and give back to what really matters, reading in the community in which we all live, love, and want to give back,” said Danielle Defelice.

Teacher Tiffany Petzold said that her fifth grade students were very excited in the days leading up to the appearance of the guest readers which also presented an opportunity for the younger students to quiz the students in Interact about high school.  “(In class) we’ve been talking about the importance of reading, how we use it in our lives in school and out of school.  So that’s what the celebration of reading is about,” said Petzold who added.  “After they read the books we talked about some of the themes in them such as perseverance. It is okay to be different and to follow your dreams.”

The 2024 Wells Rotary Club visit to Wells Junior High School.  From left to right, are Scott Defelice, Isabella Leslie, gr. 11, Mila Mustacka, gr 9. Regan Bedell, gr. 9 (behind Mustacka), Annora Ferris, gr. 9, Pieper Morris, gr.11, Eleanor Vadenais, Danielle Defelice, Bob Foley, Nate Mayo, Martha Fava, and at far left, is Caitlin Rooney, gr.10.